Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday - Food Day at Mt. Sterling.

1. Treated Ca c mets with pain meds, did d/c planning. marley most likely term. Will probably not do well after D/C. litigation.

2. State meeting today. Springfield I worked. F/u

3. penny trouble with Super8 receipt. F/u

4. Silly Obama/Palin stuff in news. Barak needs to use better put downs. That one about the pig is about 3rd grade level. He's too smart for that.

5. Palin Book bans

6. buy Mic office. save receipt for deductions.

7. more short cuts to tx Hep C. no Liver bx required.

8 check HD operas. la Bohemme d/w kathy

9 Elizabeth on plane to Spain arrival 2:30p Spain time

10. Call Mom tomorrow - Drive to KLM and cancel Prius appt.

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